Earlier this week the CMMC Accreditation Body (CMMC-AB) released heavily anticipated information regarding the application process for hopeful Certified Third-Party Assessor Organizations (C3PAOs). These new details outline the requirements necessary for certification as well as the benefits of receiving such. A successful application process will allow C3PAO’s to contract with...
Summer Phishing
Summer phishing is in full effect. Here are a few ways you can safeguard your organizations asset’s this phishing season. Send out quarterly newsletter’s about current phishing techniques Keep all organization devices security features updated Protect accounts using multi-factor authentication processes Protect company data with secondary back ups Educate...
Maintaining Cybersecurity While Working Remote
Switching to remote work during this time can create security threats for your organization. Here are a few tips to keep your organization's data and systems secure:
CMMC v1.0 Update
With the much anticipated v1.0 of CMMC on the horizon, the industry is waiting with bated breath to see the impact. If your organization has not already engaged in CMMC preparation activities, you have actually already fallen behind the pack! To prepare for the full release, Kreative has already began...